Manufacturer of Thermal Management Products,
PCB's and MCPCB's


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Fabrication with Concurrent Engineering and Assembly / Integration Services

High Power LED and Motion Control applications generate heat that often cannot be cooled through the traditional use of fans. Conduction cooling through the PC Board is often the only solution. We help customers properly design their boards to eliminate prototype errors and get you the right aluminum core board or copper core board to accommodate your application needs.
This cooling method often requires a shift in the way engineers typically design for heat dissipation. Instead of thermal energy leaving the source through the air, cooling is achieved through conductive measures. Cofan's MCPCB Concurrent Engineering Service helps engineers utilize the right thermal interface materials and component selection to withstand temperature requirements, as well as keeping your application's performance at its highest efficiency. Our Engineering Support team reduces the need for multiple prototyping, which can save substantial time and money.

Concurrent Design

Our free Metal Core PCB Concurrent Engineering service is what truly separates Cofan from other fabricators. Our Applications Engineering team is available to advise you during the design processes to ensure the highest level of performance at the lowest possible cost.

SMT & Final Assembly

Cofan is a direct manufacturer of Fans, Heat Sinks, Enclosures and Custom Machined Parts. In addition to these components, we provide component sourcing with state-of-the-art Surface Mount Assembly and Final Integration Services. Let us deliver more than the PCB-let us deliver complete assemblies / sub-assemblies for truly cost-effective performance of your designs.

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Heat Sinks

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